Pros on the Go - Transfer In

Brian Shaver International Section A-11 Puerto Rico Golf Association

*As of February 20

Pros on the Go - Classification Change

Jan Kiefer A-6 Life Member
David Hearn A-3 Life Member
Billy Urquhart B-1 at Burnt Store Marina Country Club B-14 at Blue Heron Pines Golf & CC
Anthony Colelli B-8 at Wellington National Golf Club B-25 at The Club at Ibis
Ray Finnearty Life Member Active Life Member
Steve Haggerty A-4 at Laurel Links Country Club A-8 at Sandhill Crane Golf Club
Bill Friesing A-24 at Country Club of Coral Springs A-6 at Country Club of Coral Springs
Patrick Brosnihan A-8 at XGD Systems - Xtreme Golf Drainage A-8 at PGA Golf Club
James Kenney A-8 at Grove XXIII

*As of February 20

New Members

Austin Cherichella A-8 Old Corkscrew Golf Club
Nate Erdtmann A-8 The Bear's Club
Kevin Kelchner A-8 Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club
Kevin Lins A-8 Copperleaf Golf Club
Matthew Lonto A-8 Kinsale Golf Club
Brett Messer A-8 Hideout Golf Club

*As of February 20

New Associates

Matthew Gardener B-8 Boca West Country Club
Joe Saia B-6 Don Law & Osprey Point
Zack Anderton B-14 First Tee of the Palm Beaches
Tyler Kirwan B-8 Naples lakes Country Club
Grant Kropfield B-8 Sandhill Crane Golf Club
Sebastian Aris B-8 John's Island Club
Ryan Higgins B-8 Grey Oaks Country Club
Oisin Roche B-8 Sailfish Point Golf Club
Ethan Rodriguez B-8 Aberdeen Golf & Country Club
Alexander De Leon B-8 National at Ave Marie Golf Course
Sebastian Vitale B-8 Willoughby Golf Club

*As of February 20

Quarter Century

February *None for March

Craig Lindsey, PGA North Palm Beach Country Club

Half Century


Jerry Castigliano, PGA Life Member

ADM Certified

Gary T. Gumlaw, PGA Chuck J. Lange, PGA Pamela Elders, PGA Donna H. White, PGA John M. Moscoso, PGA Jeffrey T. Hall, PGA Heather D. Angell, PGA Clint J. Jones, PGA John Bednar IV, PGA Bridget M. Ackley, PGA Walter S Lund Matthew J. Congero
Robert J. Mallek, PGA Christopher B. Cupp, PGA Timothy Evans, PGA Richard Whitfield, PGA William J. Constantine, PGA Lawrence E. Inks III, PGA Daniel L. Lanman, PGA Kevin A. Wood, PGA Sean D. Thornberry, PGA Jared M. Werner, PGA Michael C. McFarlane, PGA Brandon M. Rowcliffe, PGA
Klenton Sparks Sr., PGA Butch E Webb, PGA Terry Farino, PGA Thomas Wildenhaus, PGA Sarah Elizabeth Dant, PGA Paul M. Fitzpatrick Jr., PGA Craig M. Morton, PGA Angela C. Schmelzer, PGA Loretta A. Giovannettone, PGA Zachary C. Hoops, PGA Thor Hale Parrish, PGA Danni S. Rocco, PGA
Christopher J. Pais, PGA Thomas R. Stewart, PGA Thomas H. Fleetwood Eric C. Wilson, PGA James A Lohbauer, PGA Alexander M. Iguchi, PGA Kristine M. Bonham, PGA Mark J. Beaulieu, PGA Juan S. Rodriguez Ian J. Marr, PGA Kenneth M. Petter, PGA Lukas D. Salerno
Paul J. Boland, PGA Phillip L. Wiese, PGA John W. Gardner Jr., PGA Jeff B. Wilson, PGA Stephen J. Lupcho Herbert E Sones, PGA Michael V. Valicenti, PGA Nicholas A. Mariano, PGA Rushi R. Oza, PGA Clara M. Milligan, PGA Avery J. Radunz, PGA Yumi Fujii
Frank A. Clark Jr., PGA Sean P. Kicker, PGA Steve Jubb, PGA Kenneth T. Gargiulo, PGA Patrick M Brosnihan, PGA James M. Gascoigne Jr., PGA Jay L. Blackwell, PGA Joseph L. Sucato Jr., PGA Cory J. Titensor, PGA Howard S. Fleischman, PGA Randolph L. Clark, PGA Zackary D. Shriver
Tom E. Dyer, PGA Kimberly A. Verrecchio, PGA Jim L. Karafa, PGA Richard F. Packish Jr., PGA Andy E. Scott, PGA Kevin Dorsch, PGA Robert G. Clark Jr., PGA Alexandre J.J. Giguere, PGA Darren M. Smith, PGA Alexandra S. Falls, PGA Mariana T. Gottret, PGA Johnathan W. Johnson
Joseph P. Grohman, PGA Warren Bottke, PGA Larry N. Levow, PGA Thomas C. Freeman, PGA Craig C. Davis Jose M. Reyes, PGA Michael A. Midgette, PGA Jordan G. Ball, PGA Travis D. Perkins, PGA Nicholas L. Stutt, PGA Megan A. Crews, PGA Caleb D. Werness
Robert J. Glickman, PGA Susan E. Boyer, PGA Marty Maisa, PGA Mark F. Moffatt, PGA Amy T. Lourie, PGA Evan M. Holewinski, PGA Michael A. Saccameno, PGA Stefan Pantu, PGA Evan A. O'Buch, PGA Annie G. Rodriguez, PGA Jessie P. Smutney Anthony J. Bouvier
Philip E. Grear, PGA Butch Butler, PGA Gregory E. Martzolf, PGA Charles A. Starrs, PGA Marc E. Beeber, PGA Michael R. Bronkema Scott L. Kash, PGA Christopher M. Catena, PGA Steven M. Schultz, PGA Joseph W. Reh Gerardo Lugo-Trejo, PGA Royce A. Hunsberger
John D. Jurkovac, PGA John Callahan Michael B. Meredith Richard W McClure, PGA Marcus A. Skillrud Richard S. Terga, PGA Michael T. Kruzick, PGA Robert N. Cupper, PGA Sean E. Olson, PGA Ryan M. Ramirez, PGA Matthew G. Miller, PGA Matthew P. Turza
Raymond Nalbandian Kathy M. Cassese, PGA Kevin M. Perkins, PGA Jean J Cornet, PGA Suzy Whaley, PGA Dustin J. Wallis, PGA Ryan M. Hartnett, PGA James T. Uelmen Evan D. Mortensen, PGA Louise Perulf, PGA John Brennan McMullen, PGA Christopher P. Abdilla
Daniel J. Maselli, PGA Bobby Clampett Steve Philbrook Charles J. Lostracco, PGA Justin D. Hicks, PGA Melissa D. Hatten, PGA William P. Pankey, PGA Cory L. Cooper, PGA Marcus H. Schnellenberger, PGA Jessica N. Dickson, PGA William G. Connelly David A. Grey
David C. Flinn, PGA Michael B. Clark, PGA Thomas A. Philion, PGA Chris P. Skeados, PGA Douglas D. Conner, PGA James E. Robinson, PGA Stanley R. Moore, PGA Danny M. McLellan, PGA Cody M. Sinkler, PGA Jon P. Cytrynowicz Derrick E Payne Joseph T. Lavell
David J. Wixson, PGA Mary Beth Corrigan, PGA Ronald A. Philo Jr., PGA Alan B. Stewart, PGA Kelly R Millender, PGA Carlos H. Madriz, PGA Nathan G. Dobbins, PGA Katherine L. Dixon, PGA Robert T. Stolting, PGA Kelsey N. Fallisch, PGA Ethan G. Means, PGA Dylan J. Guehlstorf
Scott Newhouse, PGA Stephen M. Cotela, PGA Roger A. Piermarini, PGA David K. Seltzer, PGA Benjamin E. Kitts, PGA Chase E. Garris, PGA William H. Coleman IV, PGA Peter R. Haupt, PGA Austin L. Davenport, PGA Michael A. Franke, PGA Michael S. Stone Jarett G. Leonard
Joel M. Walker, PGA Christian Czaja, PGA Cynthia A. Pietrusik, PGA William G. Levy, PGA Frederick J. Glasser Mark F. Smith, PGA Salvatore Grosso, PGA Gregory R. Dean, PGA Anthony L. E. Osborn, PGA Kyle L. Schulte, PGA Stacey S. Suttle Nathan D. Lingard
Tom Holt, PGA Michael S. Dero, PGA Robert D. Range, PGA Steven E. Oldfield, PGA Jonathan E. Pazdera, PGA Andrew G. Jones, PGA Nicholas J. Stokke, PGA Jacob C. Whitehouse, PGA Kenneth G. Leech, PGA Charles A. Taylor, PGA Justin O. Rountree, PGA Peter F. Crocitto III
John P. Pershern, PGA Ed DiStefano, PGA Thomas Speicher, PGA Jeff A. Jones, PGA Ed D. Angulo, PGA Timothy E. Jankowski, PGA Gary S. Cahill, PGA Joseph D. Trombetti, PGA David M. Adler, PGA Philip M. Ott, PGA Joseph T Haight Eric J. Mac Donald, PGA
Rodney J. Bungartz, PGA Frank J. Dobbs, PGA Kellie E. Stenzel Aaron R West, PGA Rick Heard, PGA Brian A. Bartow Nicholas J. Pincket, PGA Matthew S. Licata Elizabeth Smith, PGA Dominick A. Chicago Matthew S. Eisner Jonathan B. Hastings
Hayden C. Winch Robert S. Baynard Peter L. Rocheford Scott A. Barre Justin A. Glover Jennifer G. Barnsley, PGA
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