Murphy is no stranger to the South Florida PGA Foundation and its impact on the community, rather an example of a life that has been touched through the Foundation's efforts.
Dating back to the Summer of 2021, Murphy participated in the inaugural 10 All In Golf and STEAM camp - a week inspired by SuperBowl MVP and Belle Glade native Santonio Holmes. Through South Florida PGA Professionals and employees from Pratt & Whitney, the camp focuses on STEAM and golf.
The week-long camp included several activities ranging from assembling engine prototypes to creating rockets that would be tested to see if they could go further than Santonio’s drive off the tee. Outside of the classroom, Murphy was introduced to PGA professionals who taught him the fundamentals of the game and the life lessons golf has on a person's life.
Prior to the camp, Murphy didn’t know what his future would hold or the impact the game of golf would have on him.
“To be honest, I didn’t know anything about golf,” Murphy stated.
Soon he realized that the camp was a catalyst for his goals and dreams to be achieved.
“I have always loved Science, the STEAM portion of camp just boosted my passion for it.” Murphy explained.
After the camp ended the school administrators decided to create a golf team because there was enough interest amongst the kids who attended the camp.
“My brother and I were among the first to sign up,” Murphy stated.
During his time on the golf team, Murphy escaped the hardships he was facing and enjoyed learning a new and fun activity.
“It helped me relieve stress throughout my challenging class schedule and extracurriculars,” Murphy explained.
In addition, Murphy created relationships that went beyond the course and made for lifelong friendships.
As Murphy concludes his second year as team captain for the Glades Central High School golf team and prepares to embark on this next chapter of his life attending Florida Southern College, he reflects on how he got here.
“I thank Santonio Holmes, my high school, and PGA Professionals for introducing me to this sport.”
Golf has given Murphy the opportunity to establish friendships, learn the importance of teamwork and set goals for himself.
“The camp allowed me to meet new people and connect with them… it allowed me to practice networking which is a tool I will need to have for the future.”
E’Rinze Jeremiah Murphy will attend Florida Southern College this fall where he will study Biochemistry, due in part to the STEAM Camp, and one day become a Medical Health Scientist and find a cure for his moms diabetes.
“My goal is to go to college, earn a degree and set a good example for my brothers,” said Murphy. “This scholarship will help me change my life and the lives of my family.”
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