West Palm Beach, FL - Renee O’Higgins, PGA Director of Instruction at Quail West Golf and Country Club, has been named the 2023 South Florida PGA Teacher of the Year.
The Teacher of the Year recognizes the professional who provides outstanding service as a golf instructor. The recipient is selected based on his/her efforts in promoting golf, involvement in junior golf activities and teaching techniques.
“It is an honor and a privilege to be recognized as the first female South Florida PGA Teacher of the Year. This award means that my desire to learn, determination and years of dedication to teaching is recognized by my fellow peers, mentors and colleagues in the industry.”
As the Director of Instruction, O’Higgins is tasked with creating, marketing and executing all player development programs for a wide variety of Quail West members. Upon arrival in 2018, Quail West offered nine total clinics. Since then, that number has skyrocketed to 140 clinics annually with a 70 percent utilization rate.
Additionally, O’Higgins is responsible for the growth and success of each golf instructor at the facility. In 2017, the team at Quail West gave roughly 250 lessons. Last year alone, that number rose to 1,250.
“In the five off-season months, I hold regular instruction meetings with the staff to collaborate, share and learn from one another," explained O'Higgins, who takes pride in preparing her instructors for their future roles. “I work with them to be better teachers,
get comfortable on camera and understand the business behind golf instruction.”
The incredible growth of player development programs at Quail West in just the last few years doesn’t happen without the commitment and dedication of O’Higgins.
“I had to establish the expectation that instruction is taken seriously at Quail West through clinics and lessons," explained O’Hggins. “ I have created a private area for lessons on the range, improved the practice facility with a wedge range and a fairway bunker.
“Keep it simple and make it fun” is the approach O’Higgins takes when it comes to teaching which has allowed O’Higgins, her team and Quail West Golf and Country Club great success.
The Teacher of the Year Award is one of the South Florida PGA annual awards and O’Higgins was honored in front of colleagues, members, family and friends at Quail West Golf and Country Club.
Click here to view the rest of the annual award winners.
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